
!! NEW !!
December, 2023

Precious Oil Publications released ‘A Seanachie Christmas: a seasonal collection of ‘Tales of Old Seamus’ ’
(available in Kindle & paperback editions from Amazon)
October, 2023

Precious Oil Publications released ‘Angel on Guard: the 4th Angel Murphy thriller’
(available in Kindle & paperback editions from Amazon)
September, 2023

Precious Oil Publications released ‘The Seanachie 6: In the Bluebell Wood ... and other stories’
(available in Kindle & paperback editions from Amazon)
December, 2021

Precious Oil Publications released ‘The Seanachie 5: Seamus makes a mistake ... and other stories’
(available in Kindle & paperback editions from Amazon)
July, 2020

Gerry released ‘ Roundabout: a modern day Vanity Fair’ – a novel set in Ireland, with no hero or heroine – love, comedy, drama – life!
(available in Kindle & paperback editions from Amazon)
June, 2019

Gerry released ‘The Seanachie 4: Paddy and the Snake’ – her fourth colllection of light-hearted Irish short stories
(available in Kindle & paperback editions from Amazon)
March, 2019

Gerry released ‘Hel's Heroes 2: Christie & the Pirate’ – the second romantic comedy in the series
(available in Kindle & paperback editions from Amazon)
January 4th, 2017

Gerry released ‘Angel in Paradise’ – the 3rd in her Angel Murphy thriller series.
(available in Kindle & paperback editions from Amazon)
September 18th, 2016

Gerry is the winner of the Fourth Bangor Poetry Competition, 2016 with her poem, ‘Summer Passing’
March 26th, 2015

Interview with Gerry on Uvi Poznansky blog
August 28th, 2014

Interview with Gerry on Bangor Community Radio
August 15th, 2014

Online book launch of ‘Johnny McClintock's War’ FaceBook event
January 10th, 2014

‘Belfast Girls’ featured on Kindle Books And Tips
August 27th, 2012

Across the Plain of Shining Books
An interview with Gerry about her writing and her latest book,
‘Lady Molly & The Snapper’, in particular,
published in Pat McDermott’s,
‘Across the Plain of Shining Books’ blog.
August 17th, 2012

Story, ‘Moving In’, (runner-up in the magazine’s Open Writing Competition, September, 2011)
published in ‘Ireland’s Own’ magazine, based in Wexford.
(in local Irish shops from August 10th)
July 5th, 2012
about her latest book, ‘Angel in Flight’,
published in Paul Brazill’s,
February 24th, 2012

36th Old Seamus story, ‘The Standoff’,
published in ‘Ireland’s Own’ magazine, based in Wexford. (in local Irish shops from February 23rd-2nd March)
December 24th, 2011

35th Old Seamus story, ‘The Christmas Party’,
published in ‘Ireland’s Own’ magazine, based in Wexford. (in local Irish shops from December 18th)
November 29th, 2011

Gerry interviewed on, ‘Angie's Diary’ website,
November 13th, 2011

Gerry interviewed on, ‘Candi Devine’ show,
on ‘Downtown Radio’, Newtownards.
Audio of interview will be available soon
July 18th, 2011

34th Old Seamus story, ‘Summer Storm’,
published in ‘Ireland’s Own’ magazine, based in Wexford. (in local shops from July 11th)
May 17th, 2011

33rd Old Seamus story, ‘Summer Pudding’,
published in ‘Ireland’s Own’ magazine, based in Wexford. (in local shops from May 10th)
April 25th 2011
Book of the Year, 2010!
Gerry’s book, Belfast Girls, has been voted Book of the Year, 2010 on Night Publishing,
(out of 47 books published by them in 2010),
by members of their Night Reading forum.
The Top 10 books were:
1 Belfast Girls by Gerry McCullough
2 Simon’s Choice by Charlotte Castle
3 Spoilt by Joanne Ellis
4 Saving Nathaniel by Jillian Brookes-Ward
5 Descending by Catherine Chisnall
6 The Eye of Erasmus by Teresa Geering
7 How To Meet A Guy At The Supermarket by Jessica L Degarmo
8 Burn, Baby, Burn by Jake Barton
9 Exploits by Poppet
10 Get Some by Danny Birch
March 31st, 2011
Three of Gerry’s poems have been included in New Belfast Community Arts Initiative’s A New Belfast Poetry Map, launched on 31st March at the Group Space, Ulster Hall, Belfast. The book (including CD) is available both from New Belfast and No Alibis Bookstore. One of Gerry's poems is also on the audio CD.
March 24th, 2011
Two of Gerry’s poems, ‘The Big Issue’ and ‘Stone Walls’,
published in Speech Therapy online poetry magazine, Belfast
March 14, 2011

Belfast Girls
Take Centre Stage
By Garbhan Downey (Derry)
Searching for ‘the good things in life’,
the heroines in Gerry McCullough’s
novel reflect new Belfast
Confession time. It’s not often you hear God being invoked in a mainstream Northern Irish novel – at least as a positive force. And to be honest, for the cynical among us, it can be a little unsettling.
But this reader’s fears that religion – and, more terrifyingly again, religious preaching – might become a dominant theme in Gerry McCullough’s debut novel Belfast Girls prove completely unfounded.
"an engaging and occasionally acerbic rendering of post-ceasefire Belfast"
[ Read complete review ]
March 9th, 2011
Belfast Girls (paperback edition)
is now available on Amazon.co.uk
- and also on Barnes & Noble (US).
March 4th, 2011

‘Belfast Girls’ is Book of the Month
and reviewed by Kellie Chambers
in the ‘UT Culture’ section of ‘Ulster Tatler’ magazine, March issue (p. 138).
fascinating ... original ... a refreshing examination of modern-day Belfast
McCullough's writing is far from naive ... she exposes the grey areas
multilayered ... expertly travels from one genre to the next
showcases that she can carry the weight of a full length novel with ease
an impressive debut ... innate literary talent ... a name to watch in future
[ Read all of this excellent review ]
March 4th, 2011

32nd Old Seamus story, ‘Turning the Tables’,
published in ‘Ireland’s Own’ magazine, based in Wexford. (in local shops from February 26th)
Belfast Girls - NEW podcast from Gerry McCullough : - February 23rd, 2011
Chapter 2, (read by Gerry McCullough),
The story now travels back in time to Sheila’s childhood, where she first meets Phil and they soon become close friends.

The Seanachie podcast - Gerry McCullough: - February 9th, 2011
The Parish Outing, (read by Gerry McCullough),
the 5th story in the ‘The Seanachie - Tales of Old Seamus’ series of (32) Irish stories.

Belfast Girls - NEW podcast from Gerry McCullough: - January 26th, 2011
Chapter 1, (read by Gerry McCullough),
Sheila Doherty - the Belfast girl grown up to be a supermodel - prepares for a fashion show at the Magnifico Hotel, in the newly regenerated city centre. Unknown to Sheila her ex-boyfriend, John Branagh, is at that moment driving towards the hotel to interview a politician. But the fashion show is about to have a far more dramatic interruption ...

December 24th, 2010

31st Old Seamus story, ‘Barney’s Happy Christmas’,
published in ‘Ireland’s Own’ magazine, based in Wexford. (in local shops from December 16th)
16th December, 2010

A write up about ‘Belfast Girls’ on page 6 of Section 2 .
December 15th, 2010
Interview on the
Gerry Anderson Show - BBC Radio Ulster
Gerry was interviewed on the Gerry Anderson Show (43 mins in)
about the publication of her book, ‘Belfast Girls’, on Amazon.com
December 14th, 2010

Gerry’s book, ‘Belfast Girls’, was launched to a packed room in The Black Box Café, Belfast.
December 13th, 2010
Interview on
Arts Extra - BBC Radio Ulster
Gerry was interviewed by Marie-Louise Muir on Arts Extra (21 mins in)
about the publication of her book, ‘Belfast Girls’, on Amazon.com
December 12th, 2010
Interview on Spit the Pips - Queen’s Radio, Belfast
Gerry was interviewed by Zosia Kuczyńska on Spit the Pips
- a show for new and emerging writers from Belfast and beyond -
reading two of her poems on air, plus a chapter of her book, ‘Belfast Girls’