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Belfast Girls by Gerry McCullough The Whore and her Mother by Raymond McCullough A Wee Taste a' Craic by Raymond McCullough Danger Danger by Gerry McCullough Ireland - now the good news! by Raymond & Gerry McCullough The Seanachie: Tales of Old Seamus by Gerry McCullough Angel in Flight: an Angel Murphy thriller by Gerry McCullough 'Lady Molly & The Snapper' by Gerry McCullough 'Oh What Rapture! by Raymond McCullough
  The Whore and her Mother
book reviews (13)

***** Irish humour at it's best, Sept 6, 2012
By teresa geering (uk)

I have just finished this lovely book. The song *If you're Irish come into the parlour* comes to mind .... Two chairs either side of a roaring peat fire. Seated on one side Raymond McCullough and me on the other just listening as he tells his tales of old Ireland and his ancestry. William Allingham who wrote many poems including The Fairies is purported to be part of his family tree. An Irish tale maybe? No I don’t think so.

As I worked my way through the book which is interspersed with various photographs of Ireland I laughed along with Raymond as he related the funny and at times unusual Irish expressions such as.... "You may not be wrong but I know I’m right" or "Yer looking awfully well, are ye sick?" and "Yer funny but yer face bates ye."

He also touches on the history of Ireland and the recent troubles which is all done in a very light hearted way.

My roots are steeped in Ireland of which I’m proud. Equally so is Raymond McCullough who is a man of many talents and writing being just one.

I completely recommend A Wee Taste a Craic which can easily be read in bite sized chunks.

***** A Colourful slice of Irish Life, March 17, 2012
By Elinor Carlisle (Berkshire,UK)

I absolutely loved this! I found it to be very informative about Irish life culture, language and traditions.

Raymond McCullough comes across as a man who is immensely proud of his Ulster heritage and very down to earth. I have not had the privilege of hearing any of his radio broadcasts but this is a matter I intend to rectify.

A wonderfully educational - without being patronising - book, well worth your time and money.

***** A wee taste a' craic, February 21, 2012
By Strawberry

Providing a unique insight into the Northern Irish people & their self deprecating sense of humour this little book is essentially a fun read with a chuckle on every page. With no false pretensions it does exactly what it says on the tin or as we say "it’s stickin out".

I am looking forward to the sequel already.

***** All the fun of the Irish, October 9, 2011
By G. McCullough "Gerry" (N.Ireland)

If you’re Irish, have Irish roots somewhere in the dim and distant past, or just love Irish things, then you won’t want to miss this book. Personal, funny, light-hearted and enjoyable &rmdash; those are just a few of the descriptions which spring to mind. A short collection of anecdotes from the hugely popular Celtic Roots Radio podcasts, they reflect the author’s omnivorous enjoyment of life, and his interest in the meanings and derivations of familiar Irish sayings and attitudes, with a lot of history and geography mixed in.

To read it is to feel that you’re sitting down and enjoying a ‘bit of craic’ with an old and valued and very amusing friend. A book to pick up and read when you want cheered up, to carry in your pocket and read when you have a few spare moments, and one which will make you want to book your seat on the next flight to Ireland - except that it will make you feel you’re already there! Read it and enjoy!

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This page last modified: Monday, 10-Oct-2011 00:13:42 BST

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